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Quarantine Tingz

As you all know, it took a whole Pandemic for me to start this blog. Total isolation has made me come to grips with a lot, including how much of a procrastinator I am. But fear not, even procrastinators get shit done! I honestly can’t even remember when this economic disaster started, mostly because it feels like a lifetime already, but I can tell you if there was ever a time you wanted to change your life...NOW is the time to do it.

Yes, there is more to COVID-19 than Netflix, Zoom parties and conspiracy videos. Some of you already know that though. I’ve had friends and family start their own businesses, podcasts, YouTube channels, book clubs, etc. I mean really, sky is the fucking limit because WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO DO???! For once ever in our lifetime the answer is “Not a damn thing!“

Please don’t mistake this post for only aspiring entrepreneurs. Hunny, anyone can thrive in this lonely season. There is at least one thing all of us can improve upon and if you’ve got nothing, shoot me a message so I can call you a liar. Seriously, I’ve spent more time outside with my dog than I ever have and I FEEL better because of it. Perhaps a little more sunlight is all I needed to get my brain turning again. I’ve got a new routine that includes long walks twice a day and 20-minute meditations on my patio.

So what’s your thing? Have you spent more time with your kids? Your husband? Got a new hobby that you enjoy? I think these all have a theme that’s focused on bringing a little more happiness in your life. More happiness, less stress. It’s an easy formula. With that being said, can we take a moment to stop complaining about the beast named COVID and talk about how God has really put in WERK to get us to pay attention? Think about it. The world was completely shut down, racial tension was at an all-time high and still, we managed to see our first AFRICAN AMERICAN, SOUTH ASIAN, MADAM Vice President take the stage after the largest voter turnout in United States history. I don’t know about you but I’ve also noticed a dramatic shift in people’s attitudes. I get smiles from strangers walking past me outside, my neighbor knocked on my door to introduce herself after 2 years of living across from one another. Coworkers are a little more cooperative. These things might seem minuscule but remember that easy formula: more happiness, less stress. Hardships will humble anyone and I think we have all been gracefully humbled by our Father. The world will get back to normal and we will come out of this and get back on our feet financially. But will your stress be gone? Will you have gained more happiness in your life? I’m praying so. Ultimately, it’s up to you. Actions will always speak louder than words.

So if you were wondering what I’ve been doing while being stuck in my 800 sq ft apartment alone, I’m proud to say your girl has been busy!

  1. I enrolled in the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Two years ago, my doctor told me I was pre-diabetic and you may as well have put me on an episode of Fear Factor. 55 pounds of weight shed and a surgically removed alien baby later (I promise, more on that later) I have dramatically changed my life and it’s all because of better eating habits, better relationships and God's grace. My own self-healing has made me so passionate about all things integrative nutrition and I can’t wait to share with you what I’ve learned so far. I graduated from their health coach program last month and decided to continue with their advanced courses in hormone health. Ladies, nothing says healthy like balanced hormones and I plan on helping you transform into your best self, all lady parts included.

  2. I started this blog, duh. I think I’ve talked about that enough, LOL!

  3. I co-founded The Initiative, a platform dedicated to increasing the number of registered voters in Texas and educating them on making the most informed decision possible in local and national elections. I'll save my political rant for its own post so for now, follow us on Instagram —->@theinitiativedallas

  4. I joined a start-up for a fintech company. Easily the scariest, best decision I've made this year. This also deserves it's own post because the testimony is just too good not to share.

So there you have it. My passion projects. I find myself waking up with a little more excitement every day. Nothing more moving than when you feel like you’re walking toward your purpose.

So I want to challenge each of you. Are you moving toward your purpose? If not, baby steps will suffice for now. Start with writing down your passions and then write bullets under each one, outlining weekly activities that are focused on that specific passion. I promise you will find yourself refreshed and ready to conquer the world. And trust me, when the world opens again we will all walk with our heads a little higher.


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