Alright ladies, what's more frustrating than not having sex? Having sex and never having an orgasm!
Truth serum: 18% of women have experienced an orgasm during sexual intercourse.
Talk about tragic! On top of that, most women don't have the sexual life they desire. A friend of mine summed it up for me: Women are tired and don't feel engaged with their partners. Many want to avoid sex altogether.
I think there are two things happening here:
Many of us don't orgasm during sex without clitoral stimulation. More truth for you: This actually is not an orgasm. Just this week a woman told me, “I have never had an orgasm.” Too many women are not only not having orgasms from intercourse, but not climaxing at all.
While clitoral orgasms are incredible, G-spot orgasms are next level and a different type of O-M-G. G-spot stimulation can not only lead to vaginal orgasms but also multiple orgasms, minutes apart.
To be honest, I have no idea why I really know this much. I guess I have to shout out previous sex partners who were always down to try new things. And Google is always your friend, sister. If you're a woman who has never orgasmed before, I want so badly to change your life! So here are some things you can do to ensure you have a Hot O Summer:
1. You know what they say, it's all about the motion in the ocean (I think that makes sense here lol). If you want to have multiple orgasms, you've got to put in just as much work as your partner. Position and movement are the keys to your success. The easiest way to orgasm is by assuming the position: GET ON TOP.
This allows your hips and nerve pathways to be the most open, helping you climax. I've talked it so many friends who hate getting on top and honestly if your man isn't making you feel like a queen while riding, you need another man! Beyond that, there are other ways to build your stamina and feel even more confident while you're on the throne. While lots of partners love an up and down motion, the BEST move to help you achieve the Big O is the front-to-back pelvic tilt. Basically, stick your ass back as far as you can and start moving it back and forth. This will stimulate the front of your vaginal wall and your clitoris, which will lead you to an orgasm. If this is your first time, it should happen fairly quickly. If not, hold steady- I promise it'll be worth it! With that being said, take your time, I've found that going faster really doesn't help, it's more about the sensation which will come from getting all in your feels. In other words, this should be pleasurable, not stressful. Once you reach one orgasm, keep going! You may just have multiple coming for you.
2. Close your legs. Ha, this seems quite the opposite of sex right? During sex, close your legs so you can feel his legs hugging the outside of your thighs. Whenever the head of his penis rubs against the opening of your vagina, you'll feel indirect stimulation in your most sensitive spots.
3. Breathe, hunny! This has been a major trick of mine and it's also the hardest for me to explain so bear with me: Deep penetration allows your partner's penis to thrust against your cervix. When you feel like he's deeper than usual, tell him to go slower and try to match your breathing with his penetration. This is powerfullllllll, try it!
4. I hate saying doggy style but....here we are. The best thing about doggy style is the G-spot stimulation. Get your partner to keep rubbing against the same super-sensitive inner spot for several minutes. It will be a muchhhh slower build-up, but the result will be a deep, slow orgasm.
5. Pillow Talk- This is an easy one I haven't done in a while. Try putting one or two pillows under your hips, between your legs and as he thrusts, you may hit a few baby Os that you love. This can also work with the pillows being under him and you on top.
More important than all of this, is staying protected (if necessary)! Orgasms are fun but don’t forget the importance of being with someone that makes it worthwhile. And for my single ladies, vibrators will always be #1!